Weekly Services
In English on Sundays at 11am in St Mary-at-Hill, and streamed live via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/StAnnesLutheranChurch/videos/
Upcoming Events
Lectio Divina Bible Group
Pastor Meelis’ monthly scripture study restarts after a short summer break, the next meeting is on September 10. You can choose to attend in person at the LCiGB office (Trident House, 46-48 Webber Street, London SE1 8QW), or participate online using this link.
London Open House Festival
From –September the Open House Festival in London will take place. St Anne’s Lutheran Church has prepared a full-day program, save the date and visit St Mary-at-Hill Church on Sunday, September 22.
Check the program: https://programme.openhouse.org.uk/listings/7454
Trip to Wittenberg and Other Places of Reformation
From 10th-14th October, the Council of Lutheran Churches is organising a trip to Wittenberg and the surrounding historic sites of the Reformation under the guidance of the local tour operator Christian Tours Europe.
Fee of 750 Euros per person in a double room or 850 Euros in a single room. For those who are unable to afford the costs of the trip, CLC can subsidise the fee by £400 for members of one of our nine member churches or regular participants in the ILSC.
For more information download the brochure Brochure Lutherland and/or contact pastor Meelis meelis.sueld[at]stanneslutheranchurch.org.uk.
Wittenberg Town Hall square and City Church towers. Photo by Rev Meelis Süld
Ordination and Dean’s Installation
On the 26th of October we will be celebrating two wonderful occasions for the Lutheran Church in GB at St Anne’s. Pastor Laura Haupt will be formally installed as the new Dean and our very own Sebastian Matzner will be ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament. Please keep them both and the whole Church in your prayers.